Generation Change interviews adjudicated and at-risk Trenton city youth focusing on how they would solve current problems in their community such as building positive relationships with law enforcement and local government. Generation Change seeks to bring healing around some of the issues that fracture communities nationwide and those who live in it.

I've Been Shot
Go deep into the minds of 5 young adults who have experienced gun violence first hand. Hear these young adults, who were shot, speak from their persepective on their fears of living daily in the neighborhood, coping with trauma and murder, and loosing friends and family to gun violence.
Click Here to view the trailer now!

Generation Change: Common Ground
Common Ground brings law enforcement and youths together as they take an opportunity to network, connect, and understand one another by building positive relationships. They discuss how to handle encounters with one another and overcome historically, negative interactions that have resulted in distrust, a lack of respect and violence on both sides. Moderated by Alicia Nieves.
Click Here to view the trailer now!
Click Here to view the sizzle reel now!

If I Were Mayor
National ABC News Correspondent Adrienne Bankert its with Trenton NJ youth to discuss the current problems in their city. These youth provide thought- provoking revelations on how they would improve their community for the better if they were mayor. Educator Rob Fiorello drives through the city exposing the difficulties and the issues that troubled kids face on a daily basis.
Click Here to view the trailer now!
Seven13 films is seeking sponsorships to turn Generation Change into a feature film.
For more info contact us at seven13@seven13films.nyc